10 Rolex watches. At MSRP. One every hour. For 10 hours. Oh, and 5 days to design and build it.


Alex Fortney: UX Lead | Patrick Krisko: Software Engineer

(That’s right, just the two of us)



In 2022, Hodinkee held its first annual 10/10 event. Similar to Prime Day, 10/10 is a day where we celebrate our community by offering up something special.

By the time the ELT was committed to the idea, we only had 5 days to design, build, and ship new features that would facilitate the promotion. The team was made up of just two product folks—my favorite engineering pal, Pat, and myself.


For the inaugural 10/10, we offered up 10 Rolex watches at MSRP (most sell for upwards of 150% of MSRP on the secondary market), as well as 10% off all pre-owned watches across the site

Did I mention we had to pull this off in 5 days?

Early wireframes

Early wireframes

Research & Discovery

Given the truncated timeline here, most of our research was competitive analysis. We looked at who had successfully (and unsuccessfully) executed “drops” on the internet. We looked at companies like Nike, ALD, and Telfar, to see what worked (and more importantly, what didn’t).

We wanted to build this as a raffle-style drop, but unfortunately, our legal team steered us away from that. There was concern around the legality of that both at home and abroad, given that it could be classified as gambling, and we didn’t have time to vet it. We ended up settling on the fastest-mouse method, relying heavily on captcha to prevent bots from buying up the watches.


A big part of the design process was working through the user journey with my engineering p, along with all the states we’d need to display on the page.

Capturing the elements we’d need on each page by state.

Capturing the elements we’d need on each page by state.